
[company profile]

Company Name Feed Your Soul UEN 53438580W
Contact Contact form www.facebook.com/fysyoga/
Instagram @fysyoga


[privacy policy]

We, FYS Yoga and Feed Your Soul, use personal information only to render services, to inform clients related information we offer, and for business operation purposes.

Personal information includes a client’s name, address, phone number, email, and other records and data such as one’s  birthday and health condition we acquire from a client to identify an individual or provide proper services.

We never transfer or disclosure personal information to a third party, expect when we are required by law to do so.

We acquire personal information by legitimate and fair means and work to keep it current for the achievement of proper use stated above.

We take reasonable precautions to make sure personal information is not lost, disclosed or misused.

We delate all personal information and terminate future use when requested to do so by the client.